Morale Monday!!

Morale Monday!!
Photo by Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash

Happy Monday everyone! It's a great day, and I hope you all are crushing it today!

As I begin to write this letter, my mind is overwhelmed with visualizing certain things that may or may not come to pass. (It is my decision on if they do or not)

So, how can something you want come to pass? Is it just visualizing?

Say you have your goal, which already means you have decided to want it.


You do not get what you want, you get what you are. So, the question then becomes, how do I become what I want? How do I truly embody the person that has achieved the goal I seek.

Your want must be shifted into desire.

How does this work?

You have chosen your want. Now I must utilize my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

If you have ever listened to anything by Bob Proctor, he always references some type of quote and even says that the one thing agreed upon by people of differing views throughout history is, "we become what we think about."

The first step to go from want to desire is the constant spaced repetition of thinking about what you want.

"Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered will begin at once to cloth itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available." - Andrew Carnegie

If you look at this quote, it doesn't matter if you think about something you do not desire (feared) or desire (revered). The dominating thoughts will begin to come into form in your world.

So, since it takes the same amount of energy to think about what you DO want instead of what you DON'T want, even if you think that quote and the concept is trash, you may as well enjoy life by thinking about what you do want.

If you are constantly thinking about what you do want, your feelings will follow.

Think about the coolest thing you could ever think to happen in your life to happen. I guarantee you as you think about this and picture it, good feelings follow.

If you think about it often, you will be in a better emotional state on a more consistent basis, which will allow you to grow your awareness about things to do to drive you towards that dream.

Then the last step of your actions will follow. Take action on those things that come to you as your awareness grows.

With enough repetition of thoughts, feelings, and actions, you will start to embody your desire and become the person that has your goal.

And then BOOM!

Somehow, you will be living in your dream and wondering how the hell you even got there in the first place.

Now I understand this could be a foreign concept, but I have been studying this constantly and it shows up in multiple forms from all the books and people I have been quoting in the past few months.

If you decide to give it a try, know that I am right there with you.

I am constantly trying to visualize and live in my dream.

It takes the same amount of energy, and leaves me feeling better than thinking about the opposite.

I urge you to do the same!

I appreciate all of you reading and hope that this gives you some encouragement to really live in your dream. It's your life, and you can make it a great one.

All love,
