Morale Monday Edition #6🤗
"All your actions, feelings, behaviors - even your abilities - are always consistent with this self-image." - Maxwell Maltz
Happy freakin' Monday everyone!
I hope your weekend was fantastic, and that you are ready to conquer this next week!
This Past Week
I have several things to go over this past week, so strap in! I am giving you the best stuff I can for you to apply in your own life in some way.
If you got to read my blog post from last Friday, you know that I am reading Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. (If you haven't read it, find it here) I'm definitely not all the way through, but the quote at the top of the page sums up what I have read so far. Everything in your life is consistent with your self-image. I am working through this book to apply the tools written about to see what I find most helpful.
As for now, what I would have you do is evaluate your life. What needs improvement? Or an even more important question, what seems like an inevitable outcome you dislike no matter what you do? Yep, it all ties back to your self-image. There is some belief or program in your mind (probably subconscious) that basically manifests that all too familiar outcome.
Once you have evaluated those results you dislike, write a self-image that eliminates that outcome and gives you the best outcome you can imagine. Here is an example...
In my head, I have never been as successful as I want. I feel like I always achieve some success but eventually fall short of the overall goal. If I take that sentence and change it to fit a new self-image that I want, it would look something like this. I feel grateful that I am always achieving the highest level of success; I easily achieve every goal I set.
This is just an example but a true one. I will continue to refine that statement until I feel great about it. So your turn! Give it a go!
AND if you are willing, share it with me (scary I know). I would love to help in any way I can.
I mentioned in last week's edition that I was going to dive into some Charlie Francis writings. I want to start off with a fairly simple concept that I think is important for strength generalists to know in their training.
In his writing, Francis mentions something called vertical integration. This concept is described as follows,
"Classical vertical integration specifies that high-intensity work in the various training components (plyometrics, maximum strength weights, speed work etc.) be spread out so that no two high-intensity elements are performed at the same time."
Performing too many high-intensity movements would result in a high degree of CNS (central nervous system) fatigue and lead to a lengthy recovery period.
This statement also plays into what I have heard a lot of people reference when it comes to vertical integration is the use of different training elements to attack multiple adaptations in a training session. This concept is also described as concurrent programming.
An example would be in the offseason for an athlete. You may hold back an athlete if you are only chasing strength. So, you may design a program that enhances strength, hypertrophy, and muscular endurance. If you reference the quote above, in any given work out, the use of limited truly CNS demanding exercises be used in a training session. AND you should plan out the recovery time of those movements to not overdo anything within a specific time period.
So, you have to push the CNS but don't overdo it within one workout. And since you are limiting the amount of high intensity movements in training, be sure to chase after other adaptations that don't require the same amount of fatigue.
Pop Culture
I know I have been talking about this the past couple weeks, but March Madness is awesome... and my brackets are shit haha. However, that doesn't matter, as I think this year's Final Four is awesome. Enjoy the madness while you still can!
Ted Lasso is still living up to the hype as a favorite show of mine. Seriously, you should watch it. This past week the second episode of season 3 came out and it was hilarious all the way through.
I stumbled across a song on Spotify that I really enjoy... give it a listen. It has a little bluesy feel and some solid guitar playing and singing.
Present Moment
I will make this a simple exercise for today!
What are you really grateful for right this second? For me, our basement is basically done now, and I have a small desk down here that I can actually dedicate as a workspace. I don't have to work at the kitchen table anymore!
So, choose something that is directly in your vicinity and allow yourself to be actually grateful for something seemingly simple.
Now you feel better and can have an even better day!
This week, there isn't anything big or glaringly obvious that I am looking forward to. We have some higher degree weather coming (60+ LFG 🔥), so that will be great. Otherwise, I am just looking forward to the day by day process of the week and showing up as the best me I can.
I challenge you to do the same. No matter what happened yesterday or even just happened an hour ago, you can choose to grow and improve each day.
That is my quest for the week!
If you have read the whole newsletter, I appreciate you! Do you know someone that may enjoy reading this each Monday as well? Please share!
However you got here, just know I am grateful you made it. Please let me know if you have any comments/questions/concerns!
Have a fantastic Monday and week!
All Love,