Now What? 🤔

Now What? 🤔
Photo by katie manning / Unsplash

Happy Monday everyone!!

We are back for another week of fun!

I will build off of the post from last week and try to take you through the process of what I would take another client through when working towards their goals.

So, if you read last week's episode, it was all about listing out what you want. The shopping list could be endless as you go through what you are doing.

Now, I want you to go back through that list and the first thing we are going to do is categorize all of your wants. We will use the crazy complicated system of using 3 different categories: A, B, and C 😂

Type A: These are wants that you already know you can get. Think of something that you can already buy or afford OR something that you have already bought before. So a car or toy that you have already bought but want a newer version. You already know how to do that, so there really is no growth attached to it.

Type B: The wants on your list you think you can get if certain things happen. You already think you have the capability to attain these wants. For example, you have never bought a new car, but if I can save x amount of dollars over the next year, I can then have enough money to buy this car. So you think you can do it already, you just have to take a couple steps to get there.

Type C: These are the wants you have no idea how to get. You want to be a millionaire but are nowhere near that type of income? Welcome to the type C wants/goals. This is where we live to set a goal. So, after categorizing your wants, I want you to look at all of your C type goals. Find the one that sticks out the most or the one you want most. This item in the list will become part of the goal you set for your life right now.

Once you have chosen what you want most, you will use an "I am so happy and grateful now" statement to write out your goal.

We must make sure this is something you really want.

"Knowing what one wants is the first and, perhaps, the most important step toward the development of persistence. A strong motive forces one to surmount many difficulties." - Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

If your goal is something you truly want, you will be able to persist through obstacles and setbacks more easily because your desire will outweigh your fear of failure or criticism.

After categorizing all of your wants and choosing that C-type goal that you REALLY want, you now have a goal/dream worth chasing.

Once this is set, the next step is to write it down on a notecard and read it before bed and once you wake every single day.

That is all we have for this week, but take it seriously. Your life can be created how YOU want it to be.

The want is your choice.

Always know that whatever it is, you CAN do it. Don't mind what negative voice pops up outside of you or even more importantly the negative one in your own head. Focus on the goal and the reasons why you can do it. That is all you need.

Create the life you WANT.

All Love,
