Persistence is KEY 🔑

Persistence is KEY 🔑
Photo by Conor Samuel / Unsplash

Happy Monday everyone!!

I hope your week is off to a great start, and you are all getting better today/this week!

Taking a slight turn this week to talk about something that I just want to address, as I have been faced with this challenge as well.

But growing and changing your habits can be hard.

What do you need to make it thru this?

Persistence, persistence, persistence.

Now, I do think some people get this principle wrong. Sometimes the perception of persistence is to suffer through a lot of things to get better and grow. To do things you don't want to do that may seem pointless.

I, however, think persistence is something different.

I believe persistence is relentlessly doing the action that the future version of you who has accomplished your goal does. If your goal involves a person who works out every day and you don't, you're going to have to work out every day. Does that mean suffering through the worst work out of your life every day? Absolutely not. Get the habit of training each day.

Does the future version of you post on social media to grow your business every day? Then guess what you should start doing... posting every day.

All of the small seemingly annoying acts, big scary acts, and anything in between that involves action towards your goal are things to be done.

You MUST persist in these acts to make them habit.

Once they are habit, they will likely seem easy.

So, no matter what your goal is or what your future is... what does the person who accomplished that goal do on a daily basis that is different from you right now?

Do those things persistently!

Sometimes the change and growth can be hard. Don't let anyone tell you that getting what you want and working towards it will always be a walk in the park. Anyone who has reached for anything in life needed persistence to get where they are.

If I may quote the great Napoleon Hill... "With persistence will come SUCCESS.''

The only way to guarantee your failure is to quit.

So keep going. Keep fighting. Persist and you will be successful.

I am not sure who really needed this message. I know writing it has given me some clarity during this time. I sure hope it did the same for you.

Have a great rest of your week!

All Love,
